The best description we have found to defining what makes a culture comes from Clayton Christensen in How Will You Measure Your Life?.
“Culture is a way of working together toward common goals that have been followed so frequently and so successfully that people don’t even think about trying to do things another way. If a culture has formed, people will autonomously do what they need to do to be successful.”
He also published an article describing a model that assesses an organizations capabilities and noted that a company's culture is the combination of their processes (formal and informal) and their priorities.
A Company's Capabilities = Resources1 + Processes + Priorities2
Notes: (1) Resources include a company's people, equipment and tools, brand, cash, etc. (2) Priorities have also been described as Values.
PCI Terminology / Vernacular / Jargon / Lingo / Company Speak
See Terminology Insights page.
Document Controls
Effective document controls ensure that documents are accurate, compliant, consistent, secure, traceable, efficient, and aligned with organizational objectives, ultimately contributing to improved decision-making, productivity, and risk management. Time is wasted and people become frustrated working with each other when documents can not be located efficiently or have to be recreated; so, people following the defined processes will make everyone's lives better.

- OneDrive - Shared Libraries (Sharepoint)
- PCI Server
- Hard Drive Files
Root Folders
Standard Project Folders
Standard File Names