Being seen and feeling understood is essential to human relationships. It's where we find fulfillment and purpose. Understanding yourself and those you work with is essential to fostering healthy, productive relationships. We have found that these three personality tests not only help us to understand ourselves better but provide insight to others and what motivates them.

Trying to "guess the right answer" is not only a horrible idea but is not even possible --- so be proud of who you are and what you have to offer! Celebrate what others have to offer and remember that what you may see as a personal weakness likely brings unique value to our team. As you will read from The People Code page --- Remember Nuance. Although you may have characteristics from each color, one typically has a dominant color and a secondary color. All colors are equally valuable to society and to our mission as a company. The combination of a person's primary color, secondary color, and personal history creates an entirely new and unique perspective and personality.

The following links are to additional pages we have created with more information about each of these test.

  1. The People Code, by Dr. Taylor Hartman
  2. The 5 Love Languages, by Dr. Gary Chapman
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