A Brief Summary
Every human being is born with a driving core motive that lies at the very center of their innate personality. Your driving core motive makes all the difference in how you look at life. Your motive is what gets you up in the morning. It’s where you find lasting fulfillment. If you're neglecting or trying to override your core motive, you'll be chronically frustrated, dissatisfied, or anxious.
Knowing your driving core motive, and listening to it, gives you confidence to be you. Once you know yourself, you carry a powerful awareness of how to play to your strengths in life. Through studying ThePeople Code, you will learn how to improve your relationships, including the most important relationship of all—your relationship with yourself.
You are going to discover that while you're unique, you share similar driving core motives with people of every faith, race, gender, and economic condition. Everyone is made up of two defining factors:personality (which includes your driving core motive) and personal history. Though there are only four driving core motives, no two personalities are exactly the same. The four driving core motives are represented through the colors: Red, Blue, White, and Yellow.
The true power of The People Code comes with understanding the motive behind the behavior. Motives, needs, and wants are neither good nor bad. They are neutral. They become healthy or unhealthy depending on how they relate to pure intentions and underlying truth. Many personality tests are behavior based, but behavior can be learned or altered depending on circumstances. We gain so much depth from understanding the whys behind the behaviors. You will see yourself and others with profound clarity once you get behind the behavior to understand what motivates them.
Remember Nuance
Although you may have characteristics from each color, one typically has a dominant color and a secondary color. All colors are equally valuable to society. The combination of a person’s primary color, secondary color, and personal history creates an entirely new and unique perspective and personality.
Reds are the bridge builders of society. These are our natural-born leaders, the people who know how to get from point A to point B efficiently and typically with little fanfare. Reds are the movers and shakers of society. They are an asset to any organization. They thrive on competition, challenges, and winning. Reds are very articulate and persuasive. Their focus is unrivaled when setting goals. Reds are all about being proactive and productive. They are the leaders we seek to emulate. A Red’s light continues to burn bright as a beacon of strength and productivity.
Blues are directed by a strong moral conscience. They sincerely enjoy doing the right thing. Blues have a strong sense of integrity. They crave fairness. They navigate life in a compassionate and empathetic way. They innately know that life is about relationships. It is very important to Blues to be understood and appreciated by others. Blues are steady, ordered, and enduring. Relationships and creative accomplishments are more important to them than the material things in life. They feel most comfortable in creative and productive environments. They are undyingly loyal.
Whites are great listeners and observers. They are completely content with being by themselves. Whites dislike being imposed upon and have no desire to impose their thoughts or ideas on others. Whites have an innate ability to bring clarity to chaos. They are not dramatic or demanding but accepting of life’s challenges for what they are. Whites are as equally interested in the well being of others as they are in themselves. They have a peaceful disposition. Their goal in life is to be kind.
Yellows embrace their entire existence. They like all people and people generally like them back. Nobody lives in the moment like a Yellow. Yellows are eager to experience all that life has to offer. They inspire others to appreciate and value the wonderful world in which they live. They promote the good in others and willingly ignore their limitations. Yellows are more inclined to like themselves for what they are rather than what they do. Yellows are genuine in their expressions. Friendships are a high priority in their lives. They relish good conversation and spontaneity. They are sunshine in human form.